πŸ’°Fund Allocations

Art and Marketing

  • Promotional Artwork

  • Future Art Development (airdrops, ascension, holders branding, trait shop)

  • Animation

Product Development

  • Staking and future SaaS products

  • Website Development/expansion

  • Project Eclipse

  • Project ???

Holder Incentives

  • Raffles

  • Personal Branding

  • Games

  • IRL Events

  • Premium Merchandise and collectables

  • Kami Vault


  • Salary

  • Team expansion

  • Compensations

Professional Fees

  • Lawyers/Legal

  • Consultants

  • Advisors

We are fully aware of the fact that we are minting and building in the 'bear', we are not trying to raise millions of dollars and no one on the team is quitting their day jobs. We want to prove to the ecosystem that a lean team can build and adjust according to any market conditions.

Last updated